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C. E. Brock


(1870 - 1938)

C. E. Brock

Charles Edmund Brock was a widely published English painter, line artist and book illustrator. He signed most of his work C. E. Brock.

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Emma (1898)

Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever and rich, fancies her self a match-maker, but after her first effort, she can’t seem to do anything right.

Author(s): Jane Austen
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock

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Humorous Poems (1893)

A collection of humorous poems. Read online at

Author(s): Thomas Hood
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock

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Mansfield Park (1898)

Sir Thomas Bertram considers he is bestowing a great favor on Fanny Price when he takes her into his home, but in the end finds himself in her debt.

Author(s): Jane Austen
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock

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Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard (1921)

A clever wandering minstrel rescues an imprisoned young lady when she charms the seven man-hating damsels guarding her by telling them stories.

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Author(s): Eleanor Farjeon
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock

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Northanger Abbey (1898)

In Northanger Abbey Catherine Morland spends six weeks in Bath where she makes the acquaintance of General Tilney’s son and daughter. When the General invites her to return with them to Northanger Abbey she is prepared for all the gothic horrors such a residence implies.

Author(s): Jane Austen
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock

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Oswald Bastable and Others (1905)

A collection of short stories, four of which concern the Bastable children. Read online at Or at Hathitrust.

Author(s): E. Nesbit
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock
H. R. Millar

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Oswald Bastable and Others (1960)

A collection of short stories, four of which concern the Bastable children.

Author(s): E. Nesbit
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock
H. R. Millar

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Persuasion (1897)

Persuasion is considered by many to be its author’s greatest work. Anne Elliot ‘with an elegance of mind and sweetness of character,which must have placed her high with any people of real understanding’ is burdened with a father and older sister given over to self-love and fashion. Persuaded in the first flowering of her young womanhood to give up her engagement to a young naval commander with no prospects, she is forced now to see him rich and courting her brother-in-law’s younger sisters.

Author(s): Jane Austen
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock

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Pride and Prejudice (1898)

When Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy refuses to dance with her, Elizabeth Bennett is confirmed in her prejudice that he is filled with pride. On further acquaintance she is forced to revise her opinion.

Author(s): Jane Austen
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock

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The Railway Children (2005)

When their father is taken away by strangers, the lives of three children are altered forever. They move with their mother to a cottage by a railway. The railway becomes their playground, and they befriend the rail workers and passengers who eventually help to reunite them with their father.

Author(s): E. Nesbit
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock
Paul O. Zelinsky

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Rewards and Fairies (1975)

Puck returns to take Dan and Una on further magical journeys into the past.

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Author(s): Rudyard Kipling
Illustrator(s): Nicola Bayley
C. E. Brock

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Sense and Sensibility (1908)

When Mrs. Dashwood and her three daughters find themselves in realtive poverty with only the income of ten thousand pounds ($100,000 per year in current money) to live on, she determines to move to a different part of the country, near a cousin who offers them a suitable residence at a small rent. The elder Miss Dashwood is already in love and her younger sister soon contrives to fall in love as well.

Author(s): Jane Austen
Illustrator(s): C. E. Brock

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Sporting Days (1907)

Illustrations facing blank pages whereon the guests may write their comments.

Author(s): J. Harry Savory
Illustrator(s): Cecil Aldin
C. E. Brock
Arthur Rackham
Et al

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