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John Lawrence


(1933 - 0)

John Lawrence

John Lawrence is an eminent English illustrator and wood engraver. He has also published children’s books.


A Pair of Sinners : Forgetting Not Their Ma, Who Was One Also (1980)

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Author(s): Allan Ahlberg
Illustrator(s): John Lawrence

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The Blue Fairy Book (1975)

A wide range of fairy tales, with seven from the Brothers Grimm, five from Madame d’Aulnoy, three from the Arabian Nights, and four Norwegian fairytales, among other sources.

The Blue Fairy Book was the first volume in the series and so it contains some of the best known tales, taken from a variety of sources.

This edition edited by Brian Alderson eliminates some of the weaker tales and corrects errors in others.

Author(s): Various
Illustrator(s): John Lawrence

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The Mysteries of Zigomar (1997)

A collection of poems, including "Getting up for School" and "Cemetery Road," and short stories, including "The Paper Boy" and "Snow White Lies."

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Author(s): Allan Ahlberg
Illustrator(s): John Lawrence

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Tales from Watership Down (1996)

Nineteen tales the rabbits of Watership Down tell.

Author(s): Richard Adams
Illustrator(s): John Lawrence

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