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Maribelle Cormack

(M. B. Cormack)


(1902 - 1984)

Image of Maribelle Cormack

Maribelle Cormack was an author of children’s books, both fiction and natural science. She also worked as head of the children’s department at the Park Museum in Providence, Rhode Island and had a radio program.


The First Book of Trees (1951)

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An introduction to the science of trees.

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Author(s): Maribelle Cormack
Illustrator(s): Helene Carter

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Road to Down Under (1944)

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Barbara Reid and her family emigrate from the Orkney Islands to Australia.

Author(s): Maribelle Cormack
Illustrator(s): Edward Shenton

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Wind of the Vikings (1937)

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Karin Kincaid goes to stay with her grandmother and uncle on the island of Eday off the north coast of Scotland. She learns to sail and searches for a lost Viking treasure.

Author(s): Maribelle Cormack
Illustrator(s): Robert Lawson

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