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Clive King


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Image of Clive King

David Clive King is an English author. He wrote nineteen children’s stories. He is best known for his children’s book Stig of the Dump (1963).


Stig of the Dump (1963)

Stig of the Dump king ardizzone 1st 1963 pb.jpg book cover

Barney meets Stig, a caveman, while playing in the local dump.

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Author(s): Clive King
Illustrator(s): Edward Ardizzone

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Stig of the Dump (1965)

Stig-of-the-Dump-king-ardiz.jpg book cover

Barney discovers a caveman, Stig, while playing in the local dump.

Author(s): Clive King
Illustrator(s): Edward Ardizzone

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