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Robinson Crusoe

(The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner)

robinson crusoe defoe cruikshank 1883 book cover


Author(s):Daniel Defoe
Illustrator(s):George Cruikshank
Editor(s):John Major
Publisher(s): Chatto & Windus
Year Published: 1883
Type: Hardcover
Genre: Adventure
Fiction - novel
Age Range: Ages 9-12: Longer Chapter Books
Pages: 563
OCLC: 315552432


First published in 1719, this account of ‘eight and twenty years, all alone on an uninhabited island on the coast of America’ was based on the experiences of Alexander Selkirk, who was marooned on an island in the Pacific Ocean.

Most recent editions have been abridged and some have had the religious themes suppressed. It gave birth the the genre of Robinsonade.

This edition includes the illustrations originally done for the 1831 edition. The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe occupy the second half of the volume.

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