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This Guideline describes types of conduct we permit in our community, as well as types of conduct we do not permit.



We want the Treasury of Great Children's Books to be a great community for people to interact and share, learn and grow.

Any time you access the Treasury of Great Children's Books, you are agreeing to abide by this Guideline.

We update this Guideline from time-to-time. The most current edition will be posted at this page. We will not make any notifications of updates.

Our community exists to help you share your insights and enthusiasm about Great Children's Books. It is available only to our Premium Members. To enter the community, you must Subscribe for Premium Membership. Then you can sign in with your user ID and password.

You must be over 13 years old to use our community. By using our community, you are verifying to us that you are over 13 years old. If you have not yet reached the age of majority for your state, you must first obtain the permission of your parent or legal guardian.

See our Review Policy.

We do not continually monitor the community. We do not vouch for the authenticity of what people post there. Each individual bears the sole responsibility for his or her own postings.

Once an individual has made a post, that post becomes visible to others. In that sense, a post is not private. By their very nature, posts in a community are meant to be viewed by others. Do not post content that you wish to keep confidential.

We are not responsible for what others do with the content of your posts.

When you post content of any kind, you permit us to display and distribute the content, and to use it for advertising and promotion. You grant us the complete, perpetual, but non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute, sub-license, etc. the content in whole or in part, throughout the world, on a royalty-free basis.

If you wish to follow what users are saying in a particular thread, you may elect to receive emails from us regarding that particular thread. To receive emails, simply provide your email address in the dialogue box within that thread you wish to follow. If you wish to no longer receive emails for that thread, click the "unsubscribe" link in the dialogue box in that thread.

You may use the Treasury of Great Children's Books only for lawful purposes. If we determine that a posting is illegal or harmful, we will restrict it or remove it.

If we need to remove offending content, we will do so as rapidly as possible. Our moderators have the right to edit or remove objectionable postings. However, removing content is a complex manual process that we may not be able to be complete in an instantaneous manner.

Here are a few examples of posts that we would restrict or remove:

  • A post that violates any law
  • A post that violates any copyright law or intellectual property right, trademark or other proprietary rights. This applies whether the violation is text, graphics, photographs, images, trademarks, logos, artwork, music, sounds, videos, or other content
  • A post that violates any of our own policies
  • A post that is libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, sexually oriented, inaccurate, harassing, misleading, threatening, venting, insulting, disrespectful, harmful, invasive of privacy, transgresses publicity rights, abusive, exploitative of children, inflammatory, violent, hate speech, stalking, or otherwise objectionable
  • A post by manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, merchants, or other commercial users
  • A post that involves spam, flooding, advertisements, trading of goods or services, chain letters, pyramid schemes, bulk email, junk mail, spam, repeat postings, solicitations, or shouting (using all capital letters)
  • A post that attaches malicious software or other computer programs
  • A post that involves fraud
  • A post that involves commercial purposes such as advertising, back links, promotion or solicitation
  • A post done under a fraudulent identity
  • A post that is not relevant, such as reviews of our business partners, our service or support policies, our updates, our shipping or delivery, or our sales or refund policies.

Please report any violations.

At our own discretion, we may penalize a user who posted offending content, including up to termination of membership and accounts, postings and pages, and reporting to civil authorities. We reserve the right to disclose any information needed by the civil authorities.

With each post, we record your IP address. This is in the event that we need to ban you from this forum or need to contact your Internet Service Provider. That will happen only in the event of a major violation of any of our policies.

In their posts, some users might include links to independent third-party websites. These links are not under our control, and we are not responsible for them.

You may not impersonate a representative of the Treasury of Great Children's Books, whether an owner, officer, executive, host, moderator, contractor, service partner, or the like.

We provide the Treasury of Great Children's Books from our location in Madison, Wisconsin. If you choose to access the Treasury of Great Children's Books from some other location, you do so at your own initiative, and you are solely responsible for complying with local laws.

We provide the Treasury of Great Children's Books on an "as-is" and an "as-available" basis. We do not guarantee that it will be error-free. We do not guarantee that its availability will be uninterrupted. We cannot guarantee that it will be exhaustively complete. We cannot guarantee that it will meet your requirements.

If you are dissatisfied with the Treasury of Great Children's Books, your sole remedy is to stop using the Treasury of Great Children's Books.