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John Steinbeck


(1902 - 1968)

Image of John Steinbeck

Born and raised in California, John Steinbeck was an American novelist and winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. His best known works are Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath.


East of Eden (1952)

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A dynastic novel set in the Salinas Valley of California, considered by the author his magnum opus.

Author(s): John Steinbeck
Illustrator(s): Elmer Hader

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The Grapes of Wrath (1939)

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After the boom times of World War I and the roaring twenties, the farm population was not ready for the hard times of the 1930’s. And many in the Oklahoma dust bowl picked up and made for the promised land of California.

Author(s): John Steinbeck
Illustrator(s): Elmer Hader

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The Long Valley (1938)

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A baker’s dozen short stories by the Nobel laureate


Author(s): John Steinbeck
Illustrator(s): Elmer Hader

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The Short Reign of Pipin IV: A Fabrication (1957)

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The French decide to re-institute a monarchy and select Pippin Arnulf Heristal, a retired astronomer and hereditary heir to the throne, to fill the role.

Author(s): John Steinbeck
Illustrator(s): William Pène du Bois

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The Winter of Our Discontent (1961)

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Ethan Allen Hawley decides he wants to be rich, and chooses to act dishonestly to become so.

Author(s): John Steinbeck
Illustrator(s): Elmer Hader

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