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The Natural History of the Ten Commandments (1907)

The author finds that the animal kingdom respects the natural law. Read for free online at Internet Archive.

Author(s): Ernest Thompson Seton
Illustrator(s): None

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Nelebel’s Fairyland (1978)

Exiled from Burzee, a fairy builds a new land in California, in this tale originally published in a high school newspaper.

Author(s): L. Frank Baum
Illustrator(s): None

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Nursery Rhymes (1916)

This is a smaller format edition of The Nursery Rhyme Book. Read for free online at Internet Archive.

Author(s): None
Illustrator(s): L. Leslie Brooke

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Nursery Rhymes (1930)

These volumes consist of pictures from nursery rhyme books, similar to trading cards.

Author(s): None
Illustrator(s): L. Leslie Brooke
Gordon Robinson

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Pagan Papers (1898)

This second and all subsequent editions contains only the eighteen essays, none of the Golden Age stories. Read online at

Author(s): Kenneth Grahame
Illustrator(s): None

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The Peter Pan Portfolio (1912)

This is a limited edition elephant porfolio with twelve mounted plates, which were matted in the British edition. Read for free online at the University of Florida.

Author(s): None
Illustrator(s): Arthur Rackham

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The Prisoner of Zenda (1894)

Rudolf Rassendyll, proper English gentleman, bears an uncanny resemblance to his distant cousin King Rudolf V of Ruritania, and thereby hangs a tale. Read online at Hathitrust.

Author(s): Anthony Hope
Illustrator(s): None

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Punch, Brothers, Punch! and Other Sketches (1878)

Nine stories and essays. Read online at Hathitrust.

Author(s): Mark Twain
Illustrator(s): None

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Sheep Kings (1936)

As the bottom drops out of the market for wool, Valentine and her father struggle to keep their ranch going.

Author(s): Joyce West
Illustrator(s): None

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The Stolen White Elephant, Etc (1882)

Eighteen articles and stories. Read online at

Author(s): Mark Twain
Illustrator(s): None

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Three Knights, a Dragon and a Castle (1920)

A magazine illustration. Publication not confirmed. View online at de Grummond.

Author(s): None
Illustrator(s): Robert Lawson

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To the Person Sitting in Darkness (1901)

A pamphlet condemning imperialist powers at the turn of the twentieth century for their atrocities in South Africa, China and the Philipines, among others. Read online at

Author(s): Mark Twain
Illustrator(s): None

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Two Years Before the Mast (1840)

His studies at Harvard interrupted by vision problems, the author embarked as a merchant seaman aboard the brig Pilgrim in 1834 on a voyage to Alta California, still under Mexican rule. After helping to cure and load a cargo of cow hides, he was transferred to the Alert and made an eastward passage of Cape Horn in the dead of winter. Read online at Hathitrust.

Author(s): Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
Illustrator(s): None

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The Uncommercial Traveller (1861)

This is the first edition of sketches written during the author’s nighttime walks through London. Read online at

Author(s): Charles Dickens
Illustrator(s): None

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Vice Versa or A Lesson to Fathers (1882)

A boy, on the eve of his return to boarding school, trades places with his father. Read for free online at Internet Archive.

Author(s): F. Anstey
Illustrator(s): None

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