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Roger Wolcott Drury


(1914 - 1996)

Image of Roger Wolcott Drury

Roger Wolcott Drury is a published author of children’s books. Published credits of Roger W Drury include The Finches’ Fabulous Furnace.

Drury wrote of his father in Drury and St. Paul’s, the Scars of a Schoolmaster. Raised in Concord at the said school he now lives in the country.



The Champion of Merrimack County (1976)

champion of merrimack county drury wegner.jpg book cover

O Crispin is practicing for the annual bicycle races when he injures his tail. The Berryfield family rally round.

Author(s): Roger Wolcott Drury
Illustrator(s): Fritz Wegner

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The Finches’ Fabulous Furnace (1971)

finchs fabulous furnace drury blegvad.jpg book cover

When the Finches move into Number Seven Pride Street, they discover something in the cellar.

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Author(s): Roger Wolcott Drury
Illustrator(s): Erik Blegvad

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