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Elizabeth Woodruff


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Image of Elizabeth Woodruff

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Dickey Byrd (1928)

dickey byrd woodruff tenggren.jpg book cover

When a gang of rogue elves and fairies try to kidnap his flannel elephant, Dickey Byrd must come to his rescue. A collection of stories about Dickey and his adventures. The color plates are by Tenggren.

Author(s): Elizabeth Woodruff
Illustrator(s): Gustaf Tenggren
Carl Emil Wehde

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Stories from a Magic World (1938)

stories from a magic world woodruff tenggren.jpg book cover

When a gang of rogue elves and fairies try to kidnap his flannel elephant, Dickey Byrd must come to his rescue. A collection of stories about Dickey and his adventures. The color plates are by Tenggren.

Author(s): Elizabeth Woodruff
Illustrator(s): Gustaf Tenggren
Carl Emil Wehde

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