Palmer Brown
(1920 - 2012)
Palmer Brown (1920-2012) was born in Chicago and attended Swarthmore and the University of Pennsylvania. He was the author and illustrator of far too few books for children, including Something for Christmas, Beyond the Pawpaw Trees and its sequel The Silver Nutmeg, Cheerful and Hickory, all recently republished in the New York Review Children’s Collection.
Beyond the Pawpaw Trees: The Story of Anna Lavinia (1954)
On a lavender blue day Anna Lavinia learns she is to visit her Aunt Sophia Maria, so she sets off next day with an umbrella, a gardenia bush, a carpetbag full of pawpaw jelly and her cat Strawberry.
Beyond the Pawpaw Trees: The Story of Anna Lavinia (2011)
On a lavender blue day Anna Lavinia learns she is to visit her Aunt Sophia Maria, so she sets off next day with an umbrella, a gardenia bush, a carpetbag full of pawpaw jelly and her cat Strawberry.
Cheerful: A Picture-Story (1957)
A young church mouse sets out to see the world.
Cheerful: A Picture-Story (2012)
A young church mouse sets out to see the world.
The Contents of the Basket (1960)
A collection of essays on children's books and reading by authors and librarians.
William Pène du Bois
Annis Duff
Elizabeth Enright
Elizabeth Janet Gray
Amelia Howard Munson
Elizabeth Nesbitt
Ruth Sawyer
Taro Yashima
Hickory (1978)
The story of a mouse and a grasshopper, told in the author’s inimitable style, with his charming subtly colored illustrations.
Hickory (2013)
The story of a mouse and a grasshopper, told in the author’s inimitable style, with his charming subtly colored illustrations.
The Silver Nutmeg: The Story of Anna Lavinia and Toby (1956)
On another lavender blue day Anna Lavinia explores dew pond hill and travels through the dew pond to meet her cousin Toby.
The Silver Nutmeg: The Story of Anna Lavinia and Toby (2012)
On another lavender blue day Anna Lavinia explores dew pond hill and travels through the dew pond to meet her cousin Toby
Something for Christmas (1958)
A mouse is searching for the perfect gift for someone he loves.
Something for Christmas (2011)
A mouse is searching for the perfect gift for someone he loves.