Clara Ingram Judson
(Mrs. James MacIntosh Judson)
(1879 - 1960)
Clara Ingram Judson was an American author who wrote over 70 children’s books, including several biographies of American presidents.
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Collier’s Junior Classics Volume 8 (1962)
Twenty-one brief biographies, chiefly of Americans.
Helen Keller
Jean Lee Latham
Mark Twain
Et al
John O’Hara Cosgrave, II
Lynd Ward
Et al
They Came from France (1943)
Pierre settles his mother and siblings in New Orleans while his father continues to the California gold fields.
They Came From France (1957)
Pierre looks after his mother and siblings in New Orleans while their father goes west to try his luck in the California gold fields.
Kevin Royt