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Stephen W. Meader


(1892 - 1977)

Stephen W. Meader

Stephen W. Meader (May 2, 1892 – July 18, 1977) was the author of over forty novels for young readers. His optimistic stories generally tended to either concern young men developing independent businesses in the face of adversity, or else young men caught up in adventures during different periods in American history.


T-Model Tommy: Study Edition (1940)

This special school edition of the adventures of Tommy Ballard and his trucking company has study questions and a glossary.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): Edward Shenton

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Topsail Island Treasure (1966)

Don Douglas lives with his parents on Topsail Island, a state park where his father is superintendent. Visitors like to look for Captain Kidd’s treasure, but Don knows he has already found the Topsail Island treasure.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): Marbury Brown

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Topsail Island Treasure (2005)

Don Douglas lives with his parents on Topsail Island, a state park where his father is superintendent. Visitors like to look for Captain Kidd’s treasure, but Don knows he has already found the Topsail Island treasure.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): Marbury Brown

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Trap-Lines North (1936)

Based on the true adventures of Jim Vanderbeck this book tells the story of his winter on the trapline.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Jim Vanderbeck
Illustrator(s): Enos Comstock

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Trap-Lines North (1965)

Based on the true adventures of Jim Vanderbeck this book tells the story of his winter on the trapline.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): Enos Comstock

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The Voyage of the Javelin (1959)

In 1854 Bob Wingate signs on as ship’s boy on the extreme clipper Javelin for a voyage to San Francisco ’round the Horn, then on to China and the annual tea race to London Docks.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): John O’Hara Cosgrave, II

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The Voyage of the Javelin (2006)

In 1854 Bob Wingate signs on as ship’s boy on the extreme clipper Javelin for a voyage to San Francisco ’round the Horn, then on to China and the annual tea race to London Docks.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): John O’Hara Cosgrave, II

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Whaler ’Round the Horn (1950)

Rodney Glenn hitches a ride to New Bedford to sign on with a whalerman and is off for the south seas and a rendezvous with a certain white whale.

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Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): Edward Shenton

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Whaler ’Round the Horn (1965)

Rodney Glenn hitches a ride to New Bedford to sign on with a whalerman and sets out for the south seas and a rendezvous with a certain white whale.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): Edward Shenton

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Who Rides in the Dark? (1937)

Daniel Drew is heading west to seek his fortune when he gets caught up in the search for a gang of highway men.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): James MacDonald

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Who Rides in the Dark? (2006)

Daniel Drew is heading west to seek his fortune when he gets caught up in the search for a gang of highway men.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): James MacDonald

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Wild Pony Island (1959)

When Rick Landon comes to the attention of the law. his mother decides to move the family back to her home town - Ocracoke Island.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): Charles Beck

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Wild Pony Island (2005)

When Rick Landon comes to the attention of the law. his mother decides to move the family back to her home town - Ocracoke Island.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): Charles Beck

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The Will to Win (1936)

A collection of short stories by a master, many of which have to do with high school sports.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): John Gincano

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The Will to Win (2005)

A collection of short stories by a master, many of which deal with high school sports.

Author(s): Stephen W. Meader
Illustrator(s): John Gincano

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Yankee Yarns: Stories from the Northeastern States (1944)

A collection of short stories set in the northeast states. Includes ‘A Nantucket Picnic’ by Elizabeth Enright and ‘Ice on Horse-Killer’ by Stephen W. Meader.

Author(s): Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Elizabeth Coatsworth
Alice Dalgliesh
Elizabeth Enright
Stephen W. Meader
Cornelia Meigs
Mabel L. Robinson
Ruth Sawyer
Kate Seredy
Et al
Illustrator(s): Nedda Walker

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