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Chris Conover


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Chris Conover

On her website, Chris Conover writes, “Whether in the fantasy world depicted in my books for young children or in my realistic paintings, my work is inspired by my love of animals. As companions, helpers, and guardians, animals are an important part of the world we share. I am fascinated by their behavior, and find that it mirrors our own in ways that can be charming or even unsettling.” Her website is at:


The Wish at the Top (1974)

When Jan’s world falls apart, he remembers you can have your wish if you touch the top of the cathedral steeple.

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Author(s): Clyde Robert Bulla
Illustrator(s): Chris Conover

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The Wizard’s Daughter (1984)

An evil wizard holds the kingdom in an enchantment until Boots rescues the wizard’s daughter from her undersea prison.

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Author(s): Chris Conover
Illustrator(s): Chris Conover

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