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Laura Ingalls Wilder


(1867 - 1957)

Image of Laura Ingalls Wilder

Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder (February 7, 1867 – February 10, 1957) was an American author who wrote the Little House series of books based on her childhood in a pioneer family. Laura’s daughter, Rose, inspired Laura to write her books.


The Long Winter (1940)

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The Indians warn that there will be a hard winter so Pa moves Ma, Laura, Mary, Carrie and Grace to his store building in town for the winter.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Mildred Boyle
Helen Sewell

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The Long Winter (1953)

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The Indians predict a hard winter so Pa moves Ma, Laura, Mary, Carrie and Grace to his store building in town.

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Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Garth Williams

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On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937)

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In the fourth volume of her history Laura and the Ingalls family move to Minnesota and live in a dugout on the banks of Plum Creek.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Mildred Boyle
Helen Sewell

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On the Banks of Plum Creek (1953)

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In this fourth volume of her family saga, the Ingalls family moves to Minnesota and settles on the banks of Plum Creek.

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Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Garth Williams

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On the Way Home (1962)

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Devastated by drought, Laura and Almanzo Wilder give up their claim and move to Mansfield, Missouri.

Author(s): Rose Wilder Lane
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): The Etheredges

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Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography (2014)

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Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote her autobiography in 1930. It did not find a publisher but served as the basis for her subsequent series of Little House books. It is here published for the first time with copious annotations.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): None

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Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder (2016)

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A large collection of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s correspondence dating from 1894 to 1956.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): None

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These Happy Golden Years (1943)

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In the eighth book of her biography Laura Ingalls becomes Mrs. Almanzo Wilder.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Mildred Boyle
Helen Sewell

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These Happy Golden Years (1953)

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In the final installment of Laura Ingalls’ biography she becomes Mrs. Almanzo Wilder.

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Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Garth Williams

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West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder San Francisco 1915 (1974)

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In 1915 Laura Ingalls Wilder went to San Francisco, California to visit her daughter Rose and see the Panama-Pacific Exposition. These are the letters she wrote to Almanzo who stayed to take care of the farm.

Author(s): Laura Ingalls Wilder
Illustrator(s): Photographs

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