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The Bible


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Image of The Bible

Some books are based on text from the Bible.


The Oxford Illustrated Old Testament Volume 2 Historical Books (1968)

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This edition is in five volumes illustrated by contemporary British artists. Edward Ardizzone contributed to volumes two, four and five. Volume 2 includes Joshua to Esther.

Author(s): The Bible
Illustrator(s): Edward Ardizzone
Et al

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The Oxford Illustrated Old Testament Volume 4 The Prophets (1969)

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This edition is in five volumes illustrated by contemporary British artists. Edward Ardizzone contributed to volumes two, four and five. Volume 4 includes Isaiah to Malachi.

Author(s): The Bible
Illustrator(s): Edward Ardizzone
Et al

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The Oxford Illustrated Old Testament Volume 5 The Apocrypha (1969)

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This edition is in five volumes illustrated by contemporary British artists. Edward Ardizzone contributed to volumes two, four and five. Volume 5 includes Esdras to Maccabees.

Author(s): The Bible
Illustrator(s): Edward Ardizzone
Et al

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Ruth (1938)

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How a Moabite woman became the great-grandmother of the king of Israel.

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Author(s): The Bible
Illustrator(s): Maud Petersham
Miska Petersham

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The Song of the Three Holy Children (1986)

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Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego praise the Lord God for their deliverance from the fiery furnace of King Nebuchadnezzar.

Author(s): The Bible
Illustrator(s): Pauline Baynes

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Stories from the Life of Christ (1905)

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Twenty-nine stories from the New Testament. Read for free online at Internet Archive.

Author(s): The Bible
Illustrator(s): F. D. Bedford

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Stories from the Old Testament: Joseph, Moses, Ruth, David (1938)

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Four favorite Old Testament stories of the Patriarchs.

Read online at

Author(s): The Bible
Illustrator(s): Maud Petersham
Miska Petersham

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The Story of Joseph (1958)

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Joseph is sold into Egypt as a slave but rises to become the Pharaoh’s vizier.

Author(s): Walter de la Mare
The Bible
Illustrator(s): Edward Ardizzone

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The Story of Moses (1959)

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The story of the Hebrew baby who goes from bullrushes to prince of Egypt, to fugitive murderer to chosen leader of the Jewish people in their exodus from Egypt.

Author(s): Walter de la Mare
The Bible
Illustrator(s): Edward Ardizzone

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The Story of Samuel and Saul (1960)

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The story of the prophet and the first King of Israel.

Author(s): Walter de la Mare
The Bible
Illustrator(s): Edward Ardizzone

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Woman’s Day Calendar (1983)

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From 1955 to 2004 Erik Blegvad drew the annual calendar for Woman’s Day Magazine. The twelve individual pages frequently featured Scriptural quotations.

Author(s): The Bible
Illustrator(s): Erik Blegvad

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Words to the Wise: A Book of Proverbs for Boys and Girls (1932)

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An illustrated selection of proverbs.

Author(s): The Bible
Illustrator(s): Helen Sewell

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