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J. B. Priestley


(1894 - 1984)

Image of J. B. Priestley

John Boynton Priestley, OM was a British author, playwright and commentator.


The Best of Leacock (1957)

The Best of Leacock Stephen Leacock 1957.jpg book cover

Selections from 32 books. Something between the amiable nonsense of English humor and the hard-cutting wit and satire of American humor. Edited and introduced by J.B. Priestley.

Author(s): Stephen Leacock
Illustrator(s): Unknown

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The Bodley Head Leacock (1957)

The Bodley Head Leacock Stephen Leacock in 1957 book cover

An anthology of Stephen Leacock stories filled with humor and wit.

Author(s): Stephen Leacock
Illustrator(s): Unknown

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