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Margaret Bloy Graham


(1920 - 2015)

Image of Margaret Bloy Graham

Born in Canada, Margaret Bloy Graham studied at the University of Toronto and the Art Students’ League in New York.


All Falling Down (1951)

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A child’s-eye view of things that fall down - or don’t.

Author(s): Gene Zion
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Be Nice to Spiders (1967)

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When Billy donates his spider, Helen, to the zoo she soon has all the animals happy again.

Author(s): Margaret Bloy Graham
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Benjy and His Friend Fifi (1988)

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Benjy and Fifi go to the dog show and have a bang-up time.

Author(s): Margaret Bloy Graham
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Benjy and the Barking Bird (1971)

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When Aunt Sarah brings her barking parrot for a visit, Benjy feels it is infringing on his job.

Author(s): Margaret Bloy Graham
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Benjy’s Boat Trip (1977)

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Benjy is looking for his family and accidentally stows away on a ship.

Author(s): Margaret Bloy Graham
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Benjy’s Dog House (1973)

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Father says Benjy must sleep outside so he sets out to find a dog house.

Author(s): Margaret Bloy Graham
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Dear Garbage Man (1957)

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The new man on the garbage crew wants to recycle all the useful stuff they collect.

Author(s): Gene Zion
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Harry and the Lady Next Door (1960)

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Harry does not like it when the lady next door proves to be a singer, and he tries his best to make her stop.

Author(s): Gene Zion
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Harry by the Sea (1965)

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Harry likes everything about the seashore . . . but it’s too hot.

Author(s): Gene Zion
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Harry the Dirty Dog (1956)

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Harry was a white dog with black spots who liked everything . . . except getting a bath.

Author(s): Gene Zion
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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No Roses for Harry! (1958)

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Harry does not like his new sweater with the roses on it.

Author(s): Gene Zion
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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Really Spring (1956)

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The calendar said Spring, but it didn’t feel like spring, so the people painted the town spring - then it rained and it was really spring.

Author(s): Gene Zion
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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What If? (1987)

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Two kittens are banished when they can’t stay away from the Christmas tree.

Author(s): Else Holmelund Minarik
Illustrator(s): Margaret Bloy Graham

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