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Jessica Ahlberg


(1978 - 0)

Jessica Ahlberg

Jessica Ahlberg is an author and children's book illustrator. She is the daughter of author Allan Ahlberg and illustrator Janet Ahlberg.


Comings and Goings at Parrot Park (2008)

It's summertime and 53 Parrot Park is a busy place to be. All the Murphys are there, and so are their Canadian cousins, who talk funny but are just like their Irish cousins in every other way. Daddy has borrowed some tents to make room for everyone - the place is full of Murphys! Then the summer ends and it's back to school. All is quiet again at Parrot Park … for now.

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Author(s): Mary Murphy
Illustrator(s): Jessica Ahlberg

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Far Away Across the Sea (2012)

Enchanting stories of friendship, memory, dancing and cake conjure up a world of imagination where anything can happen.

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Author(s): Toon Tellegen
Illustrator(s): Jessica Ahlberg

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A Great and Complicated Adventure (2013)

A collection of animal tales with illustrations.

Author(s): Toon Tellegen
Illustrator(s): Jessica Ahlberg

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Half a Pig (2004)

Esmeralda the pig is jointly owned by kindly Mrs. Harbottle and her nasty ex-husband Mr. Harbottle who wants to turn Esmeralda into sausages.

Author(s): Allan Ahlberg
Illustrator(s): Jessica Ahlberg

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Letters to Anyone and Everyone (2009)

A collection of strange and fantastic stories featuring, or consisting of, letters and notes, exchanged between elephants, squirrels, snails, ants, and other animals and objects.

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Author(s): Toon Tellegen
Illustrator(s): Jessica Ahlberg

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Parrot Park (2006)

The Murphys live at 53 Parrot Park, Dublin. There's Mammy, Rory, Anna and Mary, Cormac, Catherine and Susan. Whether they're mowing the lawn, getting rid of pesky head lice or hunting down UFOs, everything is an adventure with the Murphy family.

Author(s): Mary Murphy
Illustrator(s): Jessica Ahlberg

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Yucky Worms (2009)

This is a picture book for children about earthworms.

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Author(s): Vivian French
Illustrator(s): Jessica Ahlberg

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