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Julius King


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Image of Julius King

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Dogs (1927)

Dogs Julius King book cover

Illustrations and poems of dogs.

Author(s): Julius King
Illustrator(s): Kurt Wiese

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Familiar Birds in Rhyme (1928)

Familiar Birds in Rhyme Julius King book cover

Book with brief notes on some bird's nesting and migration habits, coloration, song, length, diet, etc.

Author(s): Julius King
Illustrator(s): Kurt Wiese

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Odie Seeks a Friend (1934)

Odie Seeks a Friend Julius King book cover

Odie the Skunk finds that animals and human beings alike flee at his approach, but we leave him finally quite contented with the companionship of Hugh Skunk.

Author(s): Julius King
Illustrator(s): Kurt Wiese

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