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Alice Day Pratt


(1872 - 1963)

Image of Alice Day Pratt

Alice Day Pratt was a teacher and author and a homesteader. She was a vegetarian and lover of animals. On her ranch, she kept dogs, cats, horses, chickens, and cows.

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Animal Babies (1941)

Animal Babies Alice Day Pratt book cover

Stories about a wide variety of animal young, from the familiar to the more exotic.

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Author(s): Alice Day Pratt
Illustrator(s): Kurt Wiese

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Animals of A Sagebrush Ranch (1931)

Animals of a Sagebrush Ranch Alice Day Pratt book cover

Picture of life on a Western ranch, chiefly through the animals of the ranch.

Author(s): Alice Day Pratt
Illustrator(s): Kurt Wiese

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