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Carol Kendall


(1917 - 2012)

Image of Carol Kendall

Carol “Siggy” Kendall (September 13, 1917 – July 28, 2012) was an American author of children’s books.


The Gammage Cup (1959)

gammage cup kendall blegvad.jpg book cover

A light on the mountain brings conflict to the Land Between the Mountains, and the only Minnipins who stand in the breach are a band of outcasts.

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Author(s): Carol Kendall
Illustrator(s): Erik Blegvad

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The Whisper of Glocken (1965)

whisper of glocken kendall gobbato.jpg book cover

The Watercress River has been dammed. Five intrepid Minnipins set out to find the cause and save the people of the Land Between the Mountains.

Author(s): Carol Kendall
Illustrator(s): Imero Gobbato

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