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Marjorie Barrows

(Ruth Marjorie Barrows)


(1892 - 1983)

Image of Marjorie Barrows

Ruth Marjorie Wescott Barrows was born in Chicago.

We have not yet found a reliable biography or photograph of this person. Do you have any information you could share with us? If so, please contact us.


Child Life: The Children’s Own Magazine (1921)

child life july 1936 marie lawson.jpg book cover

Child Life was a children’s monthly magazine founded in 1921.

Author(s): Various
Illustrator(s): Marie A. Lawson
Et al

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The Children’s Hour Volume 16 (1953)

best loved poems.jpg book cover

A collection of short science fiction. and the various indexes to the set.

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Author(s): Robert Heinlein
Illustrator(s): Paul Galdone
Hardie Gramatky
Et al

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The Children’s Hour Volume 5 (1953)

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A copious collection of poetry. Includes Robert Lawson's illustrations to three poems of Jonathan Bing. The image on page 247 of Jonathan with a wheelbarrow does not appear in Just for Fun.

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Author(s): Robert Browning
Lewis Carroll
Charles E. Carryl
Alfred Noyes
Robert W. Service
Illustrator(s): Elizabeth Orton Jones
Dorothy P. Lathrop
Robert Lawson
Et al

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Jonathan Bing Does Arithmetic (1936)

Robert Lawson Brown Child Life June 1936 book cover

This is the first periodical publication of Jonathan Bing Does Arithmetic. It appeared in the June issue of Child Life for 1936, on page 248 (Volume XV Number VI). The image at the bottom of the page is larger than the version published in Just for Fun.

Author(s): Beatrice Curtis Brown
Illustrator(s): Robert Lawson

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More About Jonathan Bing (1936)

Robert Lawson Brown Child Life June 1936 pg 2 book cover

This first periodical publication of More About Jonathan Bing appeared in Child Life for June 1936 on page 249 (volume xv, number vi). There is an additional illustration which did not appear in Just for Fun or in The Children's Hour volume 5.

Author(s): Beatrice Curtis Brown
Illustrator(s): Robert Lawson

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