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Laura E. Richards


(1850 - 1943)

Image of Laura E. Richards

Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards was an American writer. She wrote more than 90 books including biographies, poetry, and several for children.


Five Mice in a Mouse-Trap (1880)

Five Mice in a Mousetrap richards greenaway.jpg book cover

A collection of stories and poems for five orphaned children who live with their uncle in a small village. Read online at

Author(s): Laura E. Richards
Illustrator(s): Kate Greenaway
Et al

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Story Parade Treasure Book (1946)

story parade treasure book 1946.jpg book cover

A collection of stories and poems from Story Parade magazine.

Author(s): Elizabeth Coatsworth
Chesley Kahmann
Laura E. Richards
Et al
Illustrator(s): Armstrong Sperry
Kurt Wiese
Et al

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