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Elizabeth Cleveland Miller


(1889 - 1936)

Image of Elizabeth Cleveland Miller

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Children of the Mountain Eagle (1927)

Children-of-the-Mountain-Ea.jpg book cover

The story of a girl who lives in the mountains of Albania.

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Author(s): Elizabeth Cleveland Miller
Illustrator(s): Maud Petersham
Miska Petersham

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Pran of Albania (1929)

Pran of Albania miller petersham.jpg book cover

The story of a fourteen-year-old girl in nineteenth century Albania who rejects an arranged marriage.

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Author(s): Elizabeth Cleveland Miller
Illustrator(s): Maud Petersham
Miska Petersham

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Young Trajan (1931)

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In this story of old Rumania, Frosina goes to school to learn weaving, but learns much more when she is called home again.

Author(s): Elizabeth Cleveland Miller
Illustrator(s): Maud Petersham
Miska Petersham

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