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Cecil Aldin


(1870 - 1935)

Image of Cecil Aldin

Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin was a British artist and illustrator best known for his paintings and sketches of animals, sports, and rural life.


Faithful Friends (1902)

faithful friends et al rackham 1.jpg book cover

A collection of stories and pictures, which was frequently reprinted. This appears to be the first edition.

Author(s): Anonymous
Illustrator(s): Cecil Aldin
Arthur Rackham
Louis Wain
Et al

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Faithful Friends (1913)

faithful friends et al rackham 2.jpg book cover

A collection of stories and pictures, which was frequently reprinted. This later edition had better illustrations.

Author(s): Anonymous
Illustrator(s): Cecil Aldin
Arthur Rackham
Louis Wain
Et al

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Sporting Days (1907)

Sporting-Days-savory-rackha.jpg book cover

Illustrations facing blank pages whereon the guests may write their comments.

Author(s): J. Harry Savory
Illustrator(s): Cecil Aldin
C. E. Brock
Arthur Rackham
Et al

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