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Jacob Blanck


(1906 - 1974)

Image of Jacob Blanck

Jacob Blanck was a bibliographer whose works included Peter Parley to Penrod and his masterwork The Bibliography of American Literature.

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Jonathan and the Rainbow (1948)

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A pirate captain, a boy just learning to read and The Rainbow Painter’s Society Chapter Number One-Nine-Thee-Eight -- and one very beautiful rainbow rolled up in the cellar.

Author(s): Jacob Blanck
Illustrator(s): Louis Slobodkin

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The King and the Noble Blacksmith (1950)

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The young king has a counselor for everything, except for fishing. When the blacksmith recovers his lost crown the king decides to make him the counselor of counselors, and the counselor for fishing.

Author(s): Jacob Blanck
Illustrator(s): Louis Slobodkin

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