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Charles Paul de Kock


(1793 - 1871)

Image of Charles Paul de Kock

Charles Paul de Kock was a French banker who became the chronicler of lower and middle class Paris during the restoration in over one hundred novels. His works have been descrived as ‘rather vulgar but not immoral.'


Frere Jacques (1902)

frere jacques de cock smith.jpg book cover

A tale of infidelity, crime and honor in the French manner.

The cover is from a very limited edition as it contains the originals of the illustrations used in the regular, although limited, editions.

Read for free online at Internet Archive.

Author(s): Charles Paul de Kock
Illustrator(s): E. Boyd Smith
Et al

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Sister Anne (1902)

sister anne de kock smith 2.jpg book cover

A young man of the aristocracy has a child by a woman who is dumb. His wife discovers his infidelity and takes the woman and her child into their home.

Author(s): Charles Paul de Kock
Illustrator(s): E. Boyd Smith
Et al

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