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E. R. Gaggin

(Eva Roe Gaggin)


(1879 - 1966)

Image of E. R. Gaggin

Eva Roe Gaggin was an American author of several children’s books. She is most famous for Down Ryton Water. It was a Newbery Honor Book in 1942.

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Down Ryton Water (1941)

Down Ryton Water gaggin hader.jpg book cover

An account of the Pilgrims’ voyage to America, from the point of view of a young boy.

Author(s): E. R. Gaggin
Illustrator(s): Elmer Hader

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An Ear for Uncle Emil (1939)

ear for uncle emil gaggin seredy.jpg book cover

Uncle Emil, the best herdsman doll in Switzerland has lost his ear to Gigi the goose.

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Author(s): E. R. Gaggin
Illustrator(s): Kate Seredy

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