Harry Beckhoff
(1901 - 1979)
Harry Beckhoff was a successful commercial artist and illustrator beginning in the 1930’s. From the late 1920s to the early 1960s he did illustrations for numerous books and magazines, most notably Collier’s.
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Big Money (1931)
Two young men, Godfrey, Lord Biskerton “Biscuit” and his one-time inseparable comrade John Beresford “Berry” Conway, and their efforts to raise money and to woo their respective girlfriends.
Big Money (1931)
Two young men, Godfrey, Lord Biskerton “Biscuit” and his one-time inseparable comrade John Beresford “Berry” Conway, and their efforts to raise money and to woo their respective girlfriends.
Read online at archive.org.
The Man with Two Left Feet (1933)
A collection of short stories that first appeared in magazines such as The Strand, The Saturday Evening Post, McClure’s and Collier’s. Bertie Wooster and Jeeves make their first appearance in ‘Extricating Young Gussie.’
Read online at archive.org.