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James Stevens


(1892 - 1971)

Image of James Stevens

James Stevens (1892 – December 31, 1971) was an American author and composer. Born in Albia, Iowa, he lived in Idaho from a young age, and based much of his later novel Big Jim Turner (1948) on his childhood spent in Pacific Northwest logging camps. After fighting in World War I, he came back to work in the woods and sawmills of Oregon. Among his literary works were Paul Bunyan (1925), Brawny Man (1926), Mattock (1927), Homer in the Sagebrush (1928), The Saginaw Paul Bunyan (1932), Paul Bunyan Bears (1947), and Tree Treasure (1950).


Paul Bunyan (1925)

Paul Bunyan (1925) book cover

The legendary Paul Bunyan was an inventor and orator, and an industrialist whose labors surpassed those of Hercules. He ruled American life in the period between the Winter of the Blue Snow and the Spring That the Rain Came Up From China.

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Author(s): James Stevens
Illustrator(s): Allen Lewis

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