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Jacket art

(Cover art)


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Jacket art

Some books have cover art for which we cannot find the name of the artist.


Gone and Back (1971)

Pioneer adventure of Obediah Taylor, a boy reaching manhood and discovering some of the truth about life, his family and himself.

Read online at Internet Archive.

Author(s): Nathaniel Benchley
Illustrator(s): Jacket art

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The Lark and the Laurel (1970)

When her father goes into exile after the fall of Richard III, a sheltered sixteen-year-old girl is sent to stay with an unconventional aunt.

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Author(s): Barbara Willard
Illustrator(s): C. Walter Hodges
Jacket art

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Parasite Pig (2002)

Sixteen-year-old Barney, infected by an alien parasite, and his friend Katie, are taken to the planet J'koot by extraterrestrials intent on playing the dangerous game known as Interstellar Pig.

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Author(s): William Sleator
Illustrator(s): Jacket art

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Star Surgeon (1960)

Story set in the year 2374, about a young probationary doctor, when Hospital Earth has become the medical center of the Galactic Confederation.

Read for free online at at Internet Archive.

Author(s): Alan E. Nourse
Illustrator(s): Jacket art

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The Time Traders (1958)

The ancient world is contrasted with the modern world in a new approach to the time-transfer theme.

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Author(s): Andre Norton
Illustrator(s): Jacket art

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Tunnel in the Sky (1955)

A high school senior goes through the gate to an unknown planet for a two-to-ten day final exam in Advanced Survival. After a period of fighting the elements and wildlife, he realizes that something has gone wrong with the gate and what was a brief survival exam is an endless struggle for life.

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Author(s): Robert Heinlein
Illustrator(s): Jacket art

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