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Alan E. Nourse


(1928 - 1992)

Image of Alan E. Nourse

Alan Edward Nourse (August 11, 1928 – July 19, 1992) was an American science fiction (SF) author and physician. He wrote both juvenile and adult science fiction, as well as nonfiction works about medicine and science. His SF works generally focused on medicine and/or psionics.


Raiders from the Rings (1962)

Raiders From the Rings Alan E. Nourse book cover

The human race is divided into the Spacers and those who still remain on earth. There is a constant low-level war between the two groups, with the Spacers raiding earth for supplies and for women.

Author(s): Alan E. Nourse
Illustrator(s): Milford Joseph Hunter III

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Star Surgeon (1960)

star-surgeon-alan-e-nourse book cover

Story set in the year 2374, about a young probationary doctor, when Hospital Earth has become the medical center of the Galactic Confederation.

Read for free online at at Internet Archive.

Author(s): Alan E. Nourse
Illustrator(s): Jacket art

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