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Milford Joseph Hunter III

(Mel Hunter)


(1927 - 2004)

Milford Joseph Hunter III

Milford Joseph Hunter III worked as an artist for Northrop Aircraft Corporation. Then he worked as a freelance artist, mainly working in Science Fiction.

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The Door into Summer (1956)

Engineer Dan gets swindled by his fiancé and business partner and so he goes on "the long sleep". In the 1970 of this world, a person can be frozen to reawaken at a later time, while investments continue to grow with compound interest.

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Author(s): Robert Heinlein
Illustrator(s): Milford Joseph Hunter III

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Raiders from the Rings (1962)

The human race is divided into the Spacers and those who still remain on earth. There is a constant low-level war between the two groups, with the Spacers raiding earth for supplies and for women.

Author(s): Alan E. Nourse
Illustrator(s): Milford Joseph Hunter III

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