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Robert Heinlein


(1907 - 1988)

Robert Heinlein

Robert Anson Heinlein (July 7, 1907 – May 8, 1988) was an American science fiction writer.


The Children’s Hour Volume 16 (1953)

A collection of short science fiction. and the various indexes to the set.

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Author(s): Robert Heinlein
Illustrator(s): Paul Galdone
Hardie Gramatky
Et al

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Citizen of the Galaxy (1957)

A youth who has known only the primitive life of a galaxy slave is purchased by a beggar who turns out to be a man with many extracurricular activities.

Author(s): Robert Heinlein
Illustrator(s): Leonard Everett Fisher

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The Door into Summer (1956)

Engineer Dan gets swindled by his fiancé and business partner and so he goes on "the long sleep". In the 1970 of this world, a person can be frozen to reawaken at a later time, while investments continue to grow with compound interest.

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Author(s): Robert Heinlein
Illustrator(s): Milford Joseph Hunter III

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Have Space Suit - Will Travel (1958)

Kip Russell answers a radio distress call in his Skyway Soap prize space suit and is off on an adventure on which hangs the fate of planet earth.

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Author(s): Robert Heinlein
Illustrator(s): Clifford N. Geary

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Tunnel in the Sky (1955)

A high school senior goes through the gate to an unknown planet for a two-to-ten day final exam in Advanced Survival. After a period of fighting the elements and wildlife, he realizes that something has gone wrong with the gate and what was a brief survival exam is an endless struggle for life.

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Author(s): Robert Heinlein
Illustrator(s): Jacket art

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